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  • 发布时间:2024-09-15 16:21:23
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Chinese language and literature(pedagogic,undergraduate,four-year,Cangqian Campus)


Training Purposes

The discipline aims to cultivate Chinese school teachers, staff of education management and senior civil servant with innovative spirit and practical ability.


Discipline features

Being the key discipline of Zhejiang province, it has formed the feature of“developing the humanities in study, forming the innovation spirit in practice and combining humanities and scientific spirit harmoniously.”



The curriculum includes Modern Chinese, Modern Chinese Literature, Writing, Ancient Chinese, Ancient Chinese literature, Selected Works of Contemporary Chinese Literature, An Introduction to Linguistics, An Introduction to Literature, History of Chinese Literary Criticism, Foreign Literature and Comparative Literature, Ancient Chinese Philology, Teaching Methodology of Chinese Subject and so on. Other courses are set up as professional elective courses, including Secretarial Studies, Aesthetics, Comparative Literature, The Research of Poems of Tang and Song Dynasty, Critical Interpretation of Ancient Texts, Communication, The Practice of Drama.


Employment Destinations:schools, education management departments, government, newspaper and magazines, Enterprises and public institutions. Graduates can participate postgraduate exams of Chinese Philology, Modern Chinese Literature and other majors.


Degree:Bachelor of Arts(非师范,本科,四年制,就读地点:仓前校区)

Teaching Chinese as a second language(non-pedagogic,undergraduate course,four-year,school sites: Cangqian Campus)


Training Purposes

The discipline aims to cultivate teachers who teach Chinese as a second language with solid Chinese language and culture foundation, influent English oral and written expression. Graduates can also engage in works of foreign publicity and management.


Discipline Features

It is a new major set up in 2006. Features of“emphasizing solid foundation, basic skills, wide range of knowledge and spirit of scholarship” has been formed.


Curriculum:English Intensive Reading, Spoken English, English writing, Translation, Foreign literature, Modern Chinese, Ancient Chinese, Linguistics, Chinese literature, Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language, Chinese Culture, Overseas Sinology Research. and more than 30 elective courses.


Employment Destinations:Educational departments, cultural propaganda departments, news publish departments, government, enterprises, external affairs, foreign trade, traveling, cultural department. Graduates can participate postgraduate exams.


Degree:Bachelor of Arts(师范,本科,四年制,就读地点:仓前校区)

History(pedagogic, Undergraduate, Four-year, Cangqian Campus)


Training Purposes

The major aims to train history teachers, educational researchers and educational management staff with innovative spirit, practical abilities and development in all-around ways..


Discipline Features:

Being the key provincial discipline in Zhejiang, it is listed in the first batch of enrollment.


Main Courses:Ancient Chinese History, Ancient World History, Modern Chinese History, World History, Contemporary History, World History, Chinese Economic History, History of Chinese Thoughts, Chinese Culture, Chinese History Anthology, Historical Studies, Pedagogical Theory, Theory and Methods of Professional Historians Compulsory. Some other elective courses include History of International Relations, Foreign Relations History, History of Social Life, History of Chinese Science, World's Cultural History, World's Military History, Zhejiang Local History, Historical Geography, American History, English History, French History and Japanese History.


Employment Destinations:schools, educational departments, government and enterprises. Graduates can participate postgraduate exams of modern Chinese history, Special History, Curriculum and Pedagogy of History.


Degree:Bachelor of History(师范,本科,四年制,就读地点:仓前校区)

Humanistic Education(pedagogic, Undergraduate, Four-year, Cangqian Campus)


Training purposes:Been set to adapt to the middle school teaching after the application of new curriculum standard, the discipline aims to cultivate comprehensive teachers, educational researchers and educational management staff with innovative spirit, practical abilities and development in all-around ways


Discipline Features:

Closely related to middle school curriculum, the discipline has a prominent feature of application.


Main Courses:Humanities and Education Studies, Ancient Chinese History, Modern Chinese History, Contemporary History, Ancient World History, Modern World History, Contemporary World History, Politics, History of Chinese Political System, Geography, World Geography, Humanity Geography, Sociology, Ethics and other professional courses. Some other elective courses include History of Chinese Culture, History of World Culture, History of Chinese Thoughts, Chinese Customs and History, History of Chinese Science, Literature Introduction, History of Chinese Literature, History of Foreign Literature, Folkloristics, Aesthetic Basis,Economic Geography, Urban History, Population and Resources, Ecology and Environment, Chinese Political Thoughts, History of Western Political Systems, Contemporary Chinese politics and Social Work.


Employment Destinations:schools, educational departments, government and enterprises. Graduates can participate postgraduate exams of Chinese literature and language, history, Curriculum and Pedagogy of History.


Degree:Bachelor of Education
