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自考英语二常用单词1800 自考英语二常考单词

  • 发布时间:2024-09-15 16:21:23
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Self-study English Exam II is a relatively important exam for many people. It involves a wide range of vocabulary, grammar, comprehension and writing. Among the

Self-study English Exam II is a relatively important exam for many people. It involves a wide range of vocabulary, grammar, comprehension and writing. Among them, vocabulary is an indispensable part. So, I have compiled 1800 common words that are often tested in this exam.

Part 1: Basic Vocabulary

In this part, the basic words about time, number, emotion, place, etc. are introduced:

  • Time: year, month, week, day, hour, minute, second, etc.
  • Number: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, hundred, thousand, million, billion, etc.
  • Emotion: happy, sad, angry, excited, nervous, afraid, etc.
  • Place: city, country, school, hospital, park, restaurant, etc.

Part 2: Adjectives

In this part, adjectives used to describe people, things or situations are introduced:

  • People: tall, short, fat, thin, old, young, beautiful, handsome, cute, clever, stupid, kind, etc.
  • Things: big, small, heavy, light, expensive, cheap, good, bad, new, old, etc.
  • Situations: difficult, easy, interesting, boring, exciting, tiring, relaxing, successful, unsuccessful, etc.

Part 3: Verbs

In this part, verbs that describe actions, events or existences are introduced:

  • Actions: walk, run, jump, swim, fly, drive, ride, cycle, eat, drink, read, write, speak, listen, watch, see, hear, etc.
  • Events: happen, occur, start, end, continue, finish, succeed, fail, win, lose, etc.
  • Existences: be, exist, live, stay, lie, sit, stand, sleep, dream, die, etc.

Part 4: Adverbs and Prepositions

In this part, adverbs and prepositions that modify verbs or nouns are introduced:

  • Adverbs: fast, slow, quickly, slowly, carefully, loudly, quietly, well, badly, etc.
  • Prepositions: of, in, on, at, by, for, with, to, from, about, etc.

Part 5: Conjunctions

In this part, conjunctions that connect sentences or clauses are introduced:

  • Coordinating conjunctions: and, or, but, so, etc.
  • Subordinating conjunctions: although, because, if, when, where, etc.

These 1800 common words are the foundation of Self-study English Exam II. If you plan to pass this exam, mastering these words is essential. Of course, in addition to these words, you also need to have a good command of grammar, comprehension and writing. I hope this article can be helpful for those who are preparing for the exam.
