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  • 发布时间:2024-09-15 16:21:23
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重庆师范大学2024年分数线 我国教育部考试中心发布了最新的高校招生计划,显示重庆师范大学计划于2024年招收本科生4500人,其中文科和理科各2250人。根据我国教育部的规定,重庆师范大学的录取分数线将按照省级招生考试的录取分数线设定。根据重庆市教育考试院公布的考生情况,预计重庆师范大学的本科录取分数线为605分。


Chongqing Normal University's score line for 2024

Chongqing Normal University's score line for 2024。

The latest college admission plan released by the Examination Center of the Ministry of Education of China shows that Chongqing Normal University plans to enroll 4,500 undergraduates in 2024, including 2,250 for liberal arts and 2,250 for sciences. According to the regulations of the Ministry of Education of China, the admission score line of Chongqing Normal University will be set according to the admission score line of the provincial college entrance examination. According to the candidates' information released by Chongqing Education Examination Institute, the undergraduate admission score line of Chongqing Normal University is expected to be 605.

The latest college admission plan released by the Examination Center of the Ministry of Education of China shows that Chongqing Normal University plans to enroll 4,500 undergraduates in 2024, including 2,250 for liberal arts and 2,250 for sciences. According to the regulations of the Ministry of Education of China, the admission score line of Chongqing Normal University will be set according to the admission score line of the provincial college entrance examination. According to the candidates' information released by Chongqing Education Examination Institute, the undergraduate admission score line of Chongqing Normal University is expected to be 605.。

