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  • 发布时间:2024-09-15 16:21:23
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云南交通职业技术学院 4月8日上午9点,云南交通职业技术学院校领导班子成员、全体教师和学生代表200余人,深入昆明理工大学,开展交流合作活动。






On the morning of April 8, more than 200 leaders of the college's leading cadres, all teachers and student representatives went deep into Kunming University of Science and Technology to carry out exchange and cooperation activities.

On the morning of April 8, more than 200 leaders of the college's leading cadres, all teachers and student representatives went deep into Kunming University of Science and Technology to carry out exchange and cooperation activities.。

The leaders of the Yunnan Transportation Vocational and Technical College Party Committee and Wu Xiaolin, the vice president, held a discussion with the party secretary and president of Kunming University of Science and Technology, Cao Enke, in the president's office. The two sides discussed in depth the further cooperation in teaching and research in information engineering, vehicle engineering, Internet of things technology, software engineering and other majors, as well as student exchange and cooperation. Subsequently, the two sides visited the campus greening construction and campus science and technology display of Kunming University of Science and Technology.

The leaders of the Yunnan Transportation Vocational and Technical College Party Committee and Wu Xiaolin, the vice president, held a discussion with the party secretary and president of Kunming University of Science and Technology, Cao Enke, in the president's office. The two sides discussed in depth the further cooperation in teaching and research in information engineering, vehicle engineering, Internet of things technology, software engineering and other majors, as well as student exchange and cooperation. Subsequently, the two sides visited the campus greening construction and campus science and technology display of Kunming University of Science and Technology.。

This exchange activity not only strengthens the communication and cooperation between the two sides, but also improves the scientific research level and professional skills of teachers and students of the college, and lays a solid foundation for the future development of the college.

This exchange activity not only strengthens the communication and cooperation between the two sides, but also improves the scientific research level and professional skills of teachers and students of the college, and lays a solid foundation for the future development of the college.。
