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  • 发布时间:2024-09-15 16:21:23
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函授本科答辩不去有什么后果 首先,不去参加答辩意味着学生自己放弃了毕业的机会。答辩是学生通过最后一次考试毕业的最后一步。如果学生不去参加答辩,那么他们就不会有毕业证书,也就没有资格进入求职市场。


其次,不去参加答辩意味着学生将被记入“考试失败记录”。“考试失败记录”是一个统计学生考试成绩的系统。 如果学生不去参加答辩,这意味着他们在毕业考试中发挥不佳,考试成绩不佳。这将对他们的就业前景产生负面影响。

其次,不去参加答辩意味着学生将被记入“考试失败记录”。“考试失败记录”是一个统计学生考试成绩的系统。 如果学生不去参加答辩,这意味着他们在毕业考试中发挥不佳,考试成绩不佳。这将对他们的就业前景产生负面影响。



The defense is the final exam for every student, and also an important link for preparing for employment. For correspondence undergraduates, the defense is conducted through video. If students do not attend the defense, the following consequences will result:

The defense is the final exam for every student, and also an important link for preparing for employment. For correspondence undergraduates, the defense is conducted through video. If students do not attend the defense, the following consequences will result:。

First of all, not attending the defense means that the student has given up the opportunity to graduate. The defense is the last step for students to graduate through the final exam. If students do not attend the defense, they will not have a diploma and will not be eligible to enter the job market.

First of all, not attending the defense means that the student has given up the opportunity to graduate. The defense is the last step for students to graduate through the final exam. If students do not attend the defense, they will not have a diploma and will not be eligible to enter the job market.。

Secondly, not attending the defense means that the student will be recorded in the "examination failure record". The "examination failure record" is a system that collects students'examination results. If students do not attend the defense, it means that they did not perform well in the graduation examination and the examination results were not good. This will have a negative impact on their employment prospects.

Secondly, not attending the defense means that the student will be recorded in the "examination failure record". The "examination failure record" is a system that collects students'examination results. If students do not attend the defense, it means that they did not perform well in the graduation examination and the examination results were not good. This will have a negative impact on their employment prospects.。

In conclusion, not attending the defense will have a negative impact on students, so students should study hard and strive for good results.

In conclusion, not attending the defense will have a negative impact on students, so students should study hard and strive for good results.。
