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  • 发布时间:2024-09-15 16:21:23
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东南大学研究生招生目录 截止日期为每年的7月31日,需要参加研究生入学考试。研究生入学考试分为文化考试和专业考试两个阶段。文化考试包括:语文、英语、数学和逻辑;专业考试专业根据申请人的选报专业确定。


东南大学研究生招生目录 具体报考条件和报名方式请参照《东南大学研究生招生简章》及相关专业的招生章程。


Southeast University released the graduate catalogue, the candidates for admission to have a bachelor's degree or above. Admission professions include: computer science and engineering, automation, electronic engineering, English, foreign language and literature, humanities, mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology and medical sciences, economic management, etc.

Southeast University released the graduate catalogue, the candidates for admission to have a bachelor's degree or above. Admission professions include: computer science and engineering, automation, electronic engineering, English, foreign language and literature, humanities, mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology and medical sciences, economic management, etc.。

The deadline is July 31 of each year, need to take the graduate entrance examination. Graduate entrance examination is divided into two stages: cultural examination and professional examination. The cultural examination includes: Chinese, English, mathematics and logic; professional examination professional according to the applicant's reported major determinations.

The deadline is July 31 of each year, need to take the graduate entrance examination. Graduate entrance examination is divided into two stages: cultural examination and professional examination. The cultural examination includes: Chinese, English, mathematics and logic; professional examination professional according to the applicant's reported major determinations.。

The specific conditions and registration methods please refer to the "Southeast University graduate admissions brochure" and the relevant professional recruitment regulations.

The specific conditions and registration methods please refer to the "Southeast University graduate admissions brochure" and the relevant professional recruitment regulations.。
