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  • 发布时间:2024-09-15 16:21:23
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内蒙古建筑学院 为了进一步推广中国经典建筑的研究成果,内蒙古建筑学院图书馆组织开展了一系列展示活动。首先,为学校师生呈现了一组关于中国经典建筑的简介资料,包括古代建筑、近代建筑和现代建筑。其次,图书馆为学校师生准备了一系列相关书籍,供大家阅读。此外,图书馆还邀请了专家学者对中国经典建筑进行讲解,让师生们更加深入地了解这一领域的知识。




In order to further promote the research achievement of Chinese classical architecture, the library of Inner Mongolia University of Architecture and Civil Engineering has carried out a series of display activities. Firstly, a set of introduction materials about Chinese classical architecture was presented to teachers and students, including ancient architecture, modern architecture and modern architecture. Secondly, the library has prepared a series of relevant books for the teachers and students of the school to read. In addition, the library also invited experts and scholars to explain Chinese classical architecture, so that teachers and students could have a deeper understanding of the knowledge in this field.

In order to further promote the research achievement of Chinese classical architecture, the library of Inner Mongolia University of Architecture and Civil Engineering has carried out a series of display activities. Firstly, a set of introduction materials about Chinese classical architecture was presented to teachers and students, including ancient architecture, modern architecture and modern architecture. Secondly, the library has prepared a series of relevant books for the teachers and students of the school to read. In addition, the library also invited experts and scholars to explain Chinese classical architecture, so that teachers and students could have a deeper understanding of the knowledge in this field.。

Through these display activities, the school's teachers and students have a more comprehensive understanding of Chinese classical architecture, and have a deeper understanding of the relevant research results. The display activities of the library not only enrich the spare time life of the teachers and students of the school, but also provide them with a better opportunity to understand Chinese classical architecture.

Through these display activities, the school's teachers and students have a more comprehensive understanding of Chinese classical architecture, and have a deeper understanding of the relevant research results. The display activities of the library not only enrich the spare time life of the teachers and students of the school, but also provide them with a better opportunity to understand Chinese classical architecture.。
