kevin vocational school is located in northern california's san francisco, is one of the main art and design college. The school was founded in 1887, the former san francisco art institute, is one of the oldest art college on the west coast of the united states. The school covers an area of about 36 acres, with 17 buildings, including standard art classrooms, studios, libraries and gymnasiums on campus.kevin vocational school is located in northern california's san francisco, is one of the main art and design college. The school was founded in 1887, the former san francisco art institute, is one of the oldest art college on the west coast of the united states. The school covers an area of about 36 acres, with 17 buildings, including standard art classrooms, studios, libraries and gymnasiums on campus.。
kevin vocational school is mainly engaged in art and design education, offering visual communication design, graphic design, industrial design, advertising design, architecture design, illustration design, fashion design, film and television design, digital media design and other majors. At present, the college has 13 colleges, with nearly 3,000 full-time students.kevin vocational school is mainly engaged in art and design education, offering visual communication design, graphic design, industrial design, advertising design, architecture design, illustration design, fashion design, film and television design, digital media design and other majors. At present, the college has 13 colleges, with nearly 3,000 full-time students.。