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  • 发布时间:2024-09-15 16:21:23
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北师大珠海分校宿舍 宿舍是学生日常生活的主要场所,因此宿舍安全问题非常重要。北师大珠海分校为了保障学生的安全,制定了以下宿舍安全规范。


一、 禁止在宿舍内使用明火。

一、 禁止在宿舍内使用明火。

二、 禁止吸烟、饮酒和毒品。

二、 禁止吸烟、饮酒和毒品。

三、 禁止在宿舍内存放易燃易爆物品。

三、 禁止在宿舍内存放易燃易爆物品。

四、 禁止在宿舍内私自携带枪支、管制刀具和危险物品。

四、 禁止在宿舍内私自携带枪支、管制刀具和危险物品。

五、 禁止在宿舍内使用电器设备。

五、 禁止在宿舍内使用电器设备。

北师大珠海分校宿舍 六、 禁止在宿舍内使用易碎物品。

六、 禁止在宿舍内使用易碎物品。

七、 禁止在宿舍内使用高压电。

七、 禁止在宿舍内使用高压电。

八、 禁止在宿舍内存放易燃易爆物品。

八、 禁止在宿舍内存放易燃易爆物品。

九、 禁止在宿舍内饲养宠物。

九、 禁止在宿舍内饲养宠物。



The safety specifications of dormitories in BNUZhuhai

The safety specifications of dormitories in BNUZhuhai。

Dormitory is the main place for students' daily life, so the safety of dormitory is very important. In order to ensure the safety of students, BNUZhuhai has formulated the following dormitory safety specifications.

Dormitory is the main place for students' daily life, so the safety of dormitory is very important. In order to ensure the safety of students, BNUZhuhai has formulated the following dormitory safety specifications.。

1. It is forbidden to use open fire in the dormitory.

1. It is forbidden to use open fire in the dormitory.。

2. It is forbidden to smoke, drink and take drugs in the dormitory.

2. It is forbidden to smoke, drink and take drugs in the dormitory.。

3. It is forbidden to store flammable and explosive materials in the dormitory.

3. It is forbidden to store flammable and explosive materials in the dormitory.。

4. It is forbidden to privately carry guns, controlled knives and dangerous materials in the dormitory.

4. It is forbidden to privately carry guns, controlled knives and dangerous materials in the dormitory.。

5. It is forbidden to use electrical equipment in the dormitory.

5. It is forbidden to use electrical equipment in the dormitory.。

6. It is forbidden to use fragile items in the dormitory.

6. It is forbidden to use fragile items in the dormitory.。

7. It is forbidden to use high voltage in the dormitory.

7. It is forbidden to use high voltage in the dormitory.。

8. It is forbidden to store flammable and explosive materials in the dormitory.

8. It is forbidden to store flammable and explosive materials in the dormitory.。

9. It is forbidden to keep pets in the dormitory.

9. It is forbidden to keep pets in the dormitory.。

The above is the safety specification of dormitories in BNUZhuhai. I hope students can obey these specifications and ensure their own safety.

The above is the safety specification of dormitories in BNUZhuhai. I hope students can obey these specifications and ensure their own safety.。

