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  • 发布时间:2024-09-15 16:21:23
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北京大学录取分数线2024年 根据近年来的录取情况,北京大学录取分数线大致在750分。不过,北大录取分数线还会根据考生的不同专业进行调整,比如对理科类专业的要求会比文科类专业要高一些。




In recent years, the admission score line of Peking University is roughly 750 points or more. However, the admission score line of Peking University will be adjusted according to the different majors of the candidates, such as the requirements for science majors will be higher than those for arts majors.

In recent years, the admission score line of Peking University is roughly 750 points or more. However, the admission score line of Peking University will be adjusted according to the different majors of the candidates, such as the requirements for science majors will be higher than those for arts majors.。

In addition to the score line, Peking University also has an important admission criterion, which is that the college entrance examination score should be ranked within the top 10% of the country. This condition may be difficult for many students to meet, but if the candidates study hard, they will overcome the difficulties and achieve their dreams.

In addition to the score line, Peking University also has an important admission criterion, which is that the college entrance examination score should be ranked within the top 10% of the country. This condition may be difficult for many students to meet, but if the candidates study hard, they will overcome the difficulties and achieve their dreams.。

