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  • 发布时间:2024-09-15 16:21:23
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天津大学录取分数线 从天津大学录取分数线来看,文科线总体比去年有所下降,理科线也有一定幅度下降。这一趋势反映了我市高考录取工作的总体定位,以及未来天津市高考录取工作的发展趋势。




According to the latest progress of college admission in Tianjin, the score line of Tianjin University is as follows: the humanities line is 644 points and the science line is 658 points.

According to the latest progress of college admission in Tianjin, the score line of Tianjin University is as follows: the humanities line is 644 points and the science line is 658 points.。


From the perspective of Tianjin University's score line, the humanities line has declined overall, and the science line has also declined to some extent. This trend reflects the overall positioning of our city's college entrance examination and the future trend of college entrance examination in Tianjin.

From the perspective of Tianjin University's score line, the humanities line has declined overall, and the science line has also declined to some extent. This trend reflects the overall positioning of our city's college entrance examination and the future trend of college entrance examination in Tianjin.。

Tianjin Municipal Education Commission said that this year's college entrance examination admission work will still be carried out around the principle of "science, fairness, justice and transparency". Relying on the favorable conditions of the college entrance examination reform, we will actively promote the reform of the college entrance examination, and strive to build a scientific, fair and transparent college entrance examination system to provide a fair and just examination environment for the vast number of college entrance examination candidates, and promote the college Entrance examination reform has achieved better results.

Tianjin Municipal Education Commission said that this year's college entrance examination admission work will still be carried out around the principle of "science, fairness, justice and transparency". Relying on the favorable conditions of the college entrance examination reform, we will actively promote the reform of the college entrance examination, and strive to build a scientific, fair and transparent college entrance examination system to provide a fair and just examination environment for the vast number of college entrance examination candidates, and promote the college Entrance examination reform has achieved better results.。
