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  • 发布时间:2024-09-15 16:21:23
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张雪峰最不建议上的专业 张雪峰认为传媒、广告和公关专业无法培养学生具有独立思考能力和创造性思维的能力,它们更像是“娱乐”和“浪费”。对于想要进入这些专业的学生来说,只有四分之一的人能够在这些岗位上获得长也就是说,从张雪峰的角度来看,这个专业没有什么前景。


张雪峰最不建议上的专业 Zhang Xuefeng, a well-known Chinese educator, writer and editor, doesn't recommend going into the media, advertising or public relations field. The suggestion is based on his long experience in education and cultural work.

Zhang Xuefeng, a well-known Chinese educator, writer and editor, doesn't recommend going into the media, advertising or public relations field. The suggestion is based on his long experience in education and cultural work.。

Zhang Xuefeng believes that media, advertising and public relations majors cannot cultivate students' ability to think independently and creatively. They are more like "entertainment" and "waste". For students who want to enter these majors, only one fourth of them can get a long-term job in these positions. That is to say, from Zhang Xuefeng's perspective, this major has no future.

Zhang Xuefeng believes that media, advertising and public relations majors cannot cultivate students' ability to think independently and creatively. They are more like "entertainment" and "waste". For students who want to enter these majors, only one fourth of them can get a long-term job in these positions. That is to say, from Zhang Xuefeng's perspective, this major has no future.。
