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  • 发布时间:2024-09-15 16:21:23
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On April 3, the Huizhou City Health Vocational


On April 3, the Huizhou City Health Vocational School held the "Tomb-sweeping Day for Chinese Citizens to Worship Their Ancestors" educational activities. Students in each grade went to their relatives' tombs or visited the school's ancestral halls to worship their ancestors and repair the tombs.

On April 3, the Huizhou City Health Vocational School held the "Tomb-sweeping Day for Chinese Citizens to Worship Their Ancestors" educational activities. Students in each grade went to their relatives' tombs or visited the school's ancestral halls to worship their ancestors and repair the tombs.。


惠州市卫生职业学校 教育活动符合“全民健康·廉洁防疫”主题教育要求,增强了学生的家庭观念和爱国主义情感,让学生近距离感受到先人的劳动成果和辛苦,领悟到学习是承载祖先文化的传承者,并吸收先人精神,传承文化。


The educational activities are in line with the requirements of the theme education of "National Health and Clean Prevention and Control", which enhances students' family concept and patriotism, and makes students feel the achievements and hard work of their ancestors at close range, realize that learning is the inheritor of ancestor culture, absorb the spirit of ancestors, and inherit culture.

The educational activities are in line with the requirements of the theme education of "National Health and Clean Prevention and Control", which enhances students' family concept and patriotism, and makes students feel the achievements and hard work of their ancestors at close range, realize that learning is the inheritor of ancestor culture, absorb the spirit of ancestors, and inherit culture.。



The educational activities enable students to experience the achievements and hardships of their ancestors, make students cherish their ancestors more, study hard, and make their own contributions.

The educational activities enable students to experience the achievements and hardships of their ancestors, make students cherish their ancestors more, study hard, and make their own contributions.。
