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  • 发布时间:2024-09-15 16:21:23
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河北政法职业 比赛分为两个阶段进行,第一轮为知识竞赛,学生们需要在规定的时间内回答提出的问题,每题3分钟。第二轮为座谈交流,学生们可以根据自己的兴趣和专业领域选择一个或多个议题进行深入探讨,最终由专家评审团评出优秀组织者和优秀演讲者。




The Hebei Provincial Politics and Law Vocational College held a "Knowledge Contest" with the theme of "healthy lifestyle". Students from political and legal systems from all over the country attended the contest and discussed the healthy lifestyle together.

The Hebei Provincial Politics and Law Vocational College held a "Knowledge Contest" with the theme of "healthy lifestyle". Students from political and legal systems from all over the country attended the contest and discussed the healthy lifestyle together.。

The contest was divided into two stages, the first round for the knowledge contest, the students need to answer the questions raised within the specified time, 3 minutes per question. The second round of the discussion, students can choose one or more topics according to their interests and professional fields for in-depth discussion, and finally by the expert review committee to select the outstanding organizers and outstanding speakers.

The contest was divided into two stages, the first round for the knowledge contest, the students need to answer the questions raised within the specified time, 3 minutes per question. The second round of the discussion, students can choose one or more topics according to their interests and professional fields for in-depth discussion, and finally by the expert review committee to select the outstanding organizers and outstanding speakers.。

Through this contest, students not only enhanced their knowledge, but also deepened their understanding of the topic, laid a solid foundation for future study and work.

Through this contest, students not only enhanced their knowledge, but also deepened their understanding of the topic, laid a solid foundation for future study and work.。
