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  • 发布时间:2024-09-15 16:21:23
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波兰语专业 波兰语专业的主要课程包括:波兰语听力、波兰语口语、波兰语阅读、波兰语写作、波兰语语法、波兰语词汇、波兰语文学、波兰政治、波兰历史、波兰经济、波兰地理、波兰社会文化等。这些课程既注重基础理论,也注重实践技能的训练,使学生在语言能力、文化知识和社会实践能力方面得到全面发展。





The major of Polish is to study Polish as the main language in Polish universities and colleges. This major trains students to be senior talents of Polish who are competent in Polish communication, translation, teaching, and understanding of Polish society, culture, history, politics and economy, as well as certain English, Russian or German communication skills.

The major of Polish is to study Polish as the main language in Polish universities and colleges. This major trains students to be senior talents of Polish who are competent in Polish communication, translation, teaching, and understanding of Polish society, culture, history, politics and economy, as well as certain English, Russian or German communication skills.。

The main courses of the major of Polish include Polish listening, speaking, reading, writing, grammar, vocabulary, literature, politics, history, economy, geography, social culture, etc. These courses pay attention to both basic theories and practical skills training, so that students can be comprehensively developed in terms of language ability, cultural knowledge and social practice.

The main courses of the major of Polish include Polish listening, speaking, reading, writing, grammar, vocabulary, literature, politics, history, economy, geography, social culture, etc. These courses pay attention to both basic theories and practical skills training, so that students can be comprehensively developed in terms of language ability, cultural knowledge and social practice.。

The graduates of the major of Polish are mainly engaged in Polish teaching, translation, international affairs, news publishing, tourism, business and so on.

The graduates of the major of Polish are mainly engaged in Polish teaching, translation, international affairs, news publishing, tourism, business and so on.。
