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  • 发布时间:2024-09-15 16:21:23
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石家庄学院专科分数线 不过,我们也不会仅仅凭借考试分数来录取考生。除了考试分数,我们还会考虑考生的学习能力、潜力、综合素质等方面。因此,即使考生的成绩不是很理想,只要他们在其他方面表现出了良好的水平,也有可能被录取。





The score line of Shijiazhuang University's junior college is the same every year. According to the enrollment situation of recent years, the scores of most candidates are concentrated between 60 and 70. So is 70 the bottom score line? Not really. Our actual score line for enrollment is 60. Therefore, as long as the score of the examinee is above 60, he/she can be enrolled.

The score line of Shijiazhuang University's junior college is the same every year. According to the enrollment situation of recent years, the scores of most candidates are concentrated between 60 and 70. So is 70 the bottom score line? Not really. Our actual score line for enrollment is 60. Therefore, as long as the score of the examinee is above 60, he/she can be enrolled.。

However, we will not simply enroll candidates based on their exam scores. In addition to the exam scores, we will also consider the examinees' learning ability, potential and comprehensive quality. Therefore, even if the examinees' grades are not ideal, as long as they perform well in other aspects, they may also be enrolled.

However, we will not simply enroll candidates based on their exam scores. In addition to the exam scores, we will also consider the examinees' learning ability, potential and comprehensive quality. Therefore, even if the examinees' grades are not ideal, as long as they perform well in other aspects, they may also be enrolled.。

In short, we hope that candidates can choose the major that suits them according to their actual situation, and study hard to achieve a better result.

In short, we hope that candidates can choose the major that suits them according to their actual situation, and study hard to achieve a better result.。
